Diane Christie

Member for
13 years 1 month 12 days
Find a Grave ID


A lack of family stories about our origin were frustrating enough to foster an interest in family research. Faint thoughts of kinship to Mayflower's William Mullins and Rhode Island's founder Roger Williams were explored and put aside. Some less than savory characters have been found and added but my more distant lines don't seem any easier to touch than before. Most frustrating line of all - my Smith ancestors. Also researching: Daniel, Mullins, Williams, Long, Perdue, McClain
Find a Grave has implemented a new way to submit Edits! Unfortunately, there are far too many members for Find a Grave to notify everyone via email, so it's up to us to get the word out. If every member posts this message (or similar) in their profile, hopefully we can help spread the word.

To suggest a correction (SAC) click on the edit tab of the memorial that needs to be corrected. Then click on the link which best describes where your edit should occur. Enter your correction, when you're done, click submit edit. Your request will be sent to the manager of the memorial and will appear in the managers' profile under the Edits tab.

Managers will no longer receive emails. They must go directly to their profile page and click on the Edits tab. Managers can approve, deny or ignore, suggested corrections. It's quick and easy!

The exception:
Requesting a transfer other corrections are still handled the same way. Click on "suggest any other correction or addition," type your message and press "send this message." The manager of the memorial will receive an email.

A lack of family stories about our origin were frustrating enough to foster an interest in family research. Faint thoughts of kinship to Mayflower's William Mullins and Rhode Island's founder Roger Williams were explored and put aside. Some less than savory characters have been found and added but my more distant lines don't seem any easier to touch than before. Most frustrating line of all - my Smith ancestors. Also researching: Daniel, Mullins, Williams, Long, Perdue, McClain
Find a Grave has implemented a new way to submit Edits! Unfortunately, there are far too many members for Find a Grave to notify everyone via email, so it's up to us to get the word out. If every member posts this message (or similar) in their profile, hopefully we can help spread the word.

To suggest a correction (SAC) click on the edit tab of the memorial that needs to be corrected. Then click on the link which best describes where your edit should occur. Enter your correction, when you're done, click submit edit. Your request will be sent to the manager of the memorial and will appear in the managers' profile under the Edits tab.

Managers will no longer receive emails. They must go directly to their profile page and click on the Edits tab. Managers can approve, deny or ignore, suggested corrections. It's quick and easy!

The exception:
Requesting a transfer other corrections are still handled the same way. Click on "suggest any other correction or addition," type your message and press "send this message." The manager of the memorial will receive an email.

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