A Virtual Cemetery created by Wayne Parrish

Rich Man's War, Poor Man's Fight

They came from a swath of Piney Woods extending almost from the Atlantic Ocean to near the Mississippi River. They weren't wealthy plantation owners, hardly any of them ever owned a single slave; the were not zealots for states' rights, or any of the other reasons often cited for the War Between the States. They enlisted for the fifty dollar bounty and the eleven dollars a month to provide for their families.These are our kin from the Civil War (or War Between the States or War of the Rebellion if you prefer). None of these men ever expected to see their names in print, nor could they have ever imagined their stories available to everyone in the world via the internet. They, and the women who loved them, deserve to be remembered. Wayne and Pat

2 memorials
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Mrs Almeda C. Parish Flowers have been left.

15 Jan 1836 – 1 Sep 1897

Roanoke, Randolph County, Alabama, USA

Pvt Francis Marion Parrish Flowers have been left.

1834 – 17 Jun 1865

Elmira, Chemung County, New York, USA

Plot info: Plot Number 2877
