A Virtual Cemetery created by Joshua Shipp

El Dorado Springs, City Cemetery

Ella Shipp left us 19 years ago this week, in fact we buried her on this very day in 1995. But when we think of her, it is as if she was still among us. Ella was a woman who was devoted to her husband and family. She was a loving mother and faithful wife. She loved her many grandchildren also. She helped her husband, Francis, in all of his endeavors, whether it was helping to run the second hand shop, clerking his auction sales, or helping on the farm. She always knew how to celebrate the holidays and made each and every one a day to remember. She also loved to do word find puzzles, watch tv, and read gothic books. She also was an excellent cook. I have hundreds of great memories of her and could not even begin to list my favorite ones. Although I was much younger than my siblings and only had her for 34 years, I feel privileged to have been her son.

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Francis Jay Shipp

28 May 1913 – 7 Nov 1986

El Dorado Springs, Cedar County, Missouri, USA
