
Member for
22 years 8 months 9 days
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Born in Kentucky, raised in Indiana, now living in Illinois.

Photos in the following cemeteries are not relatives of mine and I have no further information on the individuals.


• Bohemian National Cemetery, Chicago, IL
• Calvary Cemetery, Evanston, IL
• Memorial Park Cemetery, Skokie, IL
• Mt Hope Cemetery, Chicago, IL
• Mt Olive Cemetery, Chicago, IL
• Mt Olivet Cemetery, Chicago, IL
• Oak Woods Cemetery, Chicago, IL
• Rosehill Cemetery, Chicago, IL
• St Mary's Cemetery, Evergreen Park, IL
• St Joseph's Cemetery, River Grove, IL

Entries in other cemeteries are relatives of mine and I'm not likely to transfer ownership of them unless you are an active Find a Grave member and close relative of the individual.


To suggest a correction or an addition of:

1) Birth/death date, birth/death place
2) Relationship (parent and spouse links)
3) Name
4) Plot or GPS
5) Marker transcription
6) Suggest any other correction or addition

Please use the EDIT tab on the memorial page and the available links as needed.

The first five options auto-process in 21 days. Additional edits should be sent via the sixth option.

Thank you!

Born in Kentucky, raised in Indiana, now living in Illinois.

Photos in the following cemeteries are not relatives of mine and I have no further information on the individuals.


• Bohemian National Cemetery, Chicago, IL
• Calvary Cemetery, Evanston, IL
• Memorial Park Cemetery, Skokie, IL
• Mt Hope Cemetery, Chicago, IL
• Mt Olive Cemetery, Chicago, IL
• Mt Olivet Cemetery, Chicago, IL
• Oak Woods Cemetery, Chicago, IL
• Rosehill Cemetery, Chicago, IL
• St Mary's Cemetery, Evergreen Park, IL
• St Joseph's Cemetery, River Grove, IL

Entries in other cemeteries are relatives of mine and I'm not likely to transfer ownership of them unless you are an active Find a Grave member and close relative of the individual.


To suggest a correction or an addition of:

1) Birth/death date, birth/death place
2) Relationship (parent and spouse links)
3) Name
4) Plot or GPS
5) Marker transcription
6) Suggest any other correction or addition

Please use the EDIT tab on the memorial page and the available links as needed.

The first five options auto-process in 21 days. Additional edits should be sent via the sixth option.

Thank you!

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