A Virtual Cemetery created by John Avedian

Possible relatives of Jack Mirakian of Constantinople & Toledo, OH

Trying to find relatives of Hovaguim Mirakian of Constantinople who naturalized in the U.S. in 1906 as "Jack Mirakian" in Chicago. Jack lived in Toledo with his wife and son from around 1913-1922. In 1919 he was listed as living with Stephen Mirakian at 326 and 326.5 Indiana Ave with Nishan Mirakian living 3/4 of a mile away at 110 Superior St and proprietor of the Metropolitan Hotel. Nishan and Jack knew each other because in 1922/3 they were involved in a lawsuit with each other. In 1923 Jack died in Columbus and was buried in Forest Cemetery in Toledo in a plot purchased by Stephen Mirakian. If anyone has information on these individuals please share.

4 memorials
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Anna Elizabeth Havens Bowers Flowers have been left.

19 Feb 1897 – 15 May 1922

Toledo, Lucas County, Ohio, USA

Plot info: Section W1, Lot 102, Grave 1

Richard William Bowers Sr. Veteran Flowers have been left.

3 Nov 1916 – 24 Oct 2001

Toledo, Lucas County, Ohio, USA

Plot info: section 4, lot 66, row ?, grave 4

Robert C. Bowers

23 Nov 1917 – 7 Jun 2006

McComb, Pike County, Mississippi, USA

No grave photo

Nishan Mirakian

unknown – 4 May 1932

Flushing, Queens County, New York, USA
