A Virtual Cemetery created by Jim Farmer

Ancestors of Louis Farmer

Louis Farmer was my dad's dad. He died in 1989 just shy of 93 yrs old. It is too bad he die before I got into all of this family tree stuff. There are a lot of questions I wish I would have asked him back when I was a kid. I do remember asking him what our nationality was and he told me English, Irish and Scotch Irish. Little did I know then that he had a very fascinating family tree that can be traced back to Virginia and the Jamestown settlement and even back farther to England. And even though his ancestry reads like an history book, his virtual cemetery will only contain members of his family tree from more recent generations, of those of who's graves could be found.

3 memorials
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Elizabeth Ann Tillisch Farmer Flowers have been left.

21 Jul 1898 – 21 Dec 1989

Lemay, St. Louis County, Missouri, USA

Louis Horton Farmer Flowers have been left.

30 Aug 1896 – 14 May 1989

Lemay, St. Louis County, Missouri, USA

Samuel B. Farmer Flowers have been left.

9 Nov 1802 – 13 Nov 1883

Sadler, Grayson County, Texas, USA
