A Virtual Cemetery created by Linda S Fletcher

Marshall Cemetery in Burke, VA

Hello, I am a descendant of this Marshall family and have researched it for years. There is an error in your post.Charles L. Marshall was the nephew of John A. Marshall. He was the son of James O. Marshall and Mary Jane Fairfax who lived on Clifton Rd. Since James and Mary Jane died young, two of the nephews came to live above the store that John A. had in Burke. John A. and Mary Jane Davis, his wife, never had children. His nieces and nephews lived near and were beneficiaries of his will.Also, I have not seen any evidence of the name Howard being part of her name. Nor have I found her parents. Can you explain? This may be another error. If you are on Ancestry, check out my tree. Linda Fletcher

Linda S Fletcher has not added any memorials to this virtual cemetery.
