Loma Vista Memorial Park

Also known as Loma Vista Cemetery

Fullerton, Orange County, California, USA

GAR Monument. GPS Coordinates: N33° 54' 06.33737" W117° 55' 06.36273"…

GAR Monuument dedicated May 30, 1922. GPS Coordinates: N33° 54' 06.33…

Memorial Day 2020

Updated grounds map for Loma Vista.

Loma Vista Mausoleum (a)

Loma Vista Mausoleum (b)

Loma Vista Mausoleum (c)

Loma Vista Mausoleum (d)

Eastern view from Shady Lawn.

Veterans' Memorial from the Mausoleum...toward the Northeast.

Entrance Monument.

  • Added: 1 Jan 2000
  • Find a Grave Cemetery ID: 8125